Saturday, September 24, 2011

Black Choir missing scene

This scene was one of the first written for TBC. Unfortunately it won't make it into the story and this character, Al, will not likely make it either. It's really a shame because I absolutely adore her. I wish I knew how to draw so that I could show you what she looks like in my mind. She is strong, she takes charge, doesn't give a shit. She has long black hair w/ bangs, tattoos as though they were giving them out for free. Her voice is rough but melodic I wish she'd made it into the story. She might be mentioned now, but will not be playing the part I had planned for her. 
Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this little peek.

“Come on people! Get fucking moving, we don’t have all night. Jason! What the fuck man. Do you have any fucking idea how much the equipment in that stupid box costs?”

Jason stared at Al, he stared and shook a little inside. She was a legendary bad ass, she was the girl you didn’t
mess with. Allie J. Hudson was 25, she had worked with Fred since her first tour back in 1999. Fred liked her from day one; she didn’t take shit from no one and new how to do her job. Her dad was a musician and she had grown up on a tour bus. Fred had all his trust on her and if she said you’re fired, you were fired there was no sweet talking to her.

You respect Al, you never say she does a good job for a girl or even think to assume she got were she is by nothing else but hard work. She has a mean right hook and won’t hesitate on kicking your ass if you cross the line.

Yes, Al meant business and when she turned to yell at Jason.

“Drop something again and your ass is fucking out of here.”  Jason tried to lift the box once more but his arms had become jelly, it didn’t help that the stupid thing was heavy too. Al strode towards him it seemed she had moved the several feet between them in less than a step “You learn to do the job; you learn to do it fast and right. If you can’t cut it then you will be cut.” She leaned down and lifted the box as though it were empty. “Go change your freaking pants and don’t let me catch you being distracted again.”

Jason ran off to the side, checking down at his crotch to see if he really had peed himself. He hadn’t. 

Al walked over to the trailer with the box over her shoulder; she turned around looking at the frozen crew members around her. “We aint in fucking Alaska, so no one should be fucking frozen!! Move the fuck up, move! Move! Move! We have fifteen minutes to have everything packed and out!”

Sam was running around making sure the band hadn’t left anything behind. Zin had left his hair straighter at the last venue and Sam had to run to 6 different stores to find one just like the one Zin had lost. Fred didn’t want a repeat of that.  He heard Al yelling and hollering like she always did, he was used to it, he knew that under all that intimidation was a really sweet girl who wouldn’t hurt a fly unless that fly hurt her first.

Jason walked by him still a bit pale after his encounter. Jason was new he had just joined the tour in Alabama and had never worked with Al before.

“She is more noise than anything.” Sam said handing Jason a Gatorade.

Jason was 18 it was his first tour and at times he felt lost. He would stare at everything around him still not fully believing he was part of it all. He was carrying the box when Surf had walked by him, tapped him on the back and thanked him for the great job he was doing. The box just slipped out of his hands it wasn’t his fault.

“Relax,” Sam tried again. “She will probably forget all about it by dinner time.”

Jason nodded thinking that maybe it was too much for him.


Al was still yelling orders when she felt warm breath against her neck.

“You shouldn’t be so tough.” She could feel a blush growing and hid her face behind her long hair.
Once composed she turned to Surf, “You like it tough.”

“Mmm…yeah I do.” Surf boldly stole a kiss from Sam. Well perhaps not that boldly, there was only a slight chance she would knock him out for it.

She didn’t instead she pulled her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. They hadn’t had time for themselves for awhile now. She had to go home and miss a few shows because her grandmother got sick.

“I missed you,” she whispered against his lips.

“I’ve missed you too. You have no idea how crazy shits been around here.” He kissed her once more and pulled away, “I need your help.

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