Friday, November 16, 2012

Something Like SummerSomething Like Summer by Jay Bell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm writing this review about two (?) years after I read this book for the first time. I highly recommend you give it a try. I bought it on whim, on a day I was home alone, feeling super depressed. I grabbed on to my iphone (bought kindle version), and did not leave my bed or stop reading until I finished it. I still remember laying down with a diet coke at 10am and finishing the book at 7pm, having 3 empty cans of coke around me and a very empty stomach.

it's cliche, it's a coming of age, it has it's moments were you have suspend you disbelieve, but it's sweet, poignant, feel bad then good story. I've read it once more since the first time and it took me 2 days to read and I'm highly considering reading it for a third time.

View all my reviews

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I don't write for reviews. Well, technically it seems like I don't write at all lately, but when I do I don't do it hoping for reviews. I do it because I enjoy it, it helps distract me, and helps keep the voices in my head quiet.

However, when you post a story you do wish for a bit of feedback. It's like speaking to an empty room, even though you have things to say, why continue when not even your echo answers back?

I'm not the best at reviewing. I admit it but I'm going to make a compromise with myself to at least leave a one word review when I read something. Because, I don't want the stories I like to fade.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I've been terrible lately. I haven't written anything at all in months. I don't have an excuse what so ever, other than little time, little inspiration.

Posting is such a hassle I haven't even finished posting BF there, I'm sorry about that. I'll get to it I promise.

I have to be sincere here that the lack of reviews is not encouraging either, though when I write I do it mostly for my own sanity, posting them and getting no response is disheartening. I post because I'd like feedback, no one in real life reads what I write so I have no way of knowing if I'm doing something worthwhile or not.

I've set my self a goal anyway and it is to finish letters and posting BF on, no dateline but a goal. At least.

Thanks to anyone who reads or cares know that eventually I will be back.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Jack and Dustin

I sat down today to try and write a quick short about Jack and Dustin. I failed miserably, I don't know why Jack refuses to talk to me, and Dustin is not the best story teller out there. He wanted to talk about an awkward meeting her had with Jack's ex.

Let's see if we get Letter's done instead.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Stan and Joseph

I've resurfaced two stories I started back in '07 and haven't finished. I have some time to write until class starts, so lets see how this goes. I hope the garner some interest and reviewers will help me take these stories down the right path.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

School's back

Yeah,so I go back to school on Monday. Been like crazy trying to write the next chp to TBC before then but getting nowhere with it. I'm also slowly reposting BF onto I want to write something new, but I'm unsure of what to write. Truth be told I'm not all that inspired at the moment. On a random note seriously considering going vegetarian.

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