Friday, May 6, 2011

Adam and Antoine

Antoine with the funny spelling, isn't that big of a character in DCFR, yet he has his charm and his use. He brings the jealous out of Daniel, and he pollutes, and destroys Adam, unintentionally and with a lot of care. At least that how Daniel sees it.
To Adam he is a friend with whom he can be himself, with out hiding. He is a role model because he acts like who he is with out worries. Antoine is by no means out, but there are enough clouds of doubt surrounding him that it wouldn't surprise anyone if he were the one found in the bathroom with George Michael. Antoine provides the medicine to Adam's pain.

Now, by no means think that Adam's character is based on Kurt Cobain in any form other than he blond chin length hair and blue/gray eyes, and Daniel's constant comparison. Adam is very conscious of his looks, takes inmense care of his hair, and is very picky about his clothes. However the best way I could explain Adam/Antoine friendship is by saying, "Imaging Kurt Cobain was best friend's with Boy George"

Antoine has the same eye brows, same accent, but hair and make up are much more tamed.

 Now what is Adam listening to right now? This of course:

He has great appreciation for Bon Jovi, specially in those jeans (damn!). When thinking about the bands music find a middle point somewhere between Bon Jovi (with a dash of early metal hair bands) and Pear Jam (dipped in Seattle's grunge scene), with huge appreciation for Ozzy, and of course The Beetles (sprinkled all over).

Overall one hot successful mess.

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