Saturday, April 9, 2011


I am taking a creative writing class, for the second part of the spring semester. It started not too long ago, and all I have to say is that I hate it. I completely hate this class. I don’t like the professor, I don’t like the way she expresses, how dismissive she is of what I tell her.

I mentioned that many times my essay for other classes have a thesis statement that is a question. I have never gotten anything other than an A on my essays since I began a going college two years ago. My teachers, have praised me, and many have said they I presented one of the best papers they had ever read. She? She went on and on, and on, on how cheated she would feel to have a question for a thesis statement. How it should be a statement and it is just wrong to do it any other way then how she believed it should be done.
She doesn’t explain what she wants clearly, and most of the time gives back the assignemtn to be re-done for stupid things like, “Oh, your paragraphs look too small.”  I asked her, “But did you read it?”  and her answer was , “No, the format is strange, which such short paragraphs.”
I mean, WTF?
The wants me to show not tell.  I completely get this and I agree with her, however I find it fine to tell the reader that the pants feel tight. I see no need to say something like, “The blue denim cotton felt as though it was constricting my legs, as the heath amounted.” F that.  
Even though it is redundant, I really hate this class. Really, hate this class, wish I had never taken it, or that I could somehow drop it. I’ve never gotten a C in class up to know, but truth be told that is all I’m striving for in this class. All my excitement and desire to do any work for this class has gone down the drain.

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