I've been terrible lately. I haven't written anything at all in months. I don't have an excuse what so ever, other than little time, little inspiration.
Posting FP.com is such a hassle I haven't even finished posting BF there, I'm sorry about that. I'll get to it I promise.
I have to be sincere here that the lack of reviews is not encouraging either, though when I write I do it mostly for my own sanity, posting them and getting no response is disheartening. I post because I'd like feedback, no one in real life reads what I write so I have no way of knowing if I'm doing something worthwhile or not.
I've set my self a goal anyway and it is to finish letters and posting BF on FP.com, no dateline but a goal. At least.
Thanks to anyone who reads or cares know that eventually I will be back.