Saturday, October 8, 2011

Note to Self

I owe you guys a review for The Far Away Years. I have a tight tight budget so I rarely will pay for a story I read for free, but this one was worth it. I'd like to say this started my rock star addiction, but it would be a lie. It simply fed it the most delicious supply ever...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Teahouse Web-Comic

What can I say about this...

Pretty Boys
Sexy Boys
Pretty drawings
Sexy drawings

Please do visit and please do enjoy...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hello everyone! Did anyone notice that for two days my blog disappeared? Well gmail decided that I was not over 13 years old and blocked my account with the thread of deleting it with in 29 days. This completely sucked. However, after forking over some money I've solved and so we are back!

I'm kind of pissed this all happened and I'd like to say F U gmail I'm finding another email provider but what a hassle that would be!

Anyway welcome back and hope you guys enjoy my posts and stories.

Thanks for visiting